Upgrade your membership
Work towards your career goals and advance up the levels of membership with AMINZ
Have you recently graduated from full time study? Are you still gaining experience in the field of dispute resolution? Apply for Affiliate membership!
Have you recently completed the Diploma in Business Studies (Dispute Resolution)? Or have you acquired the training and experience to fulfill the AMINZ Education Syllabus? Do you require a credentialed membership? Apply for Associate membership!
Are you an Associate or Fellow of AMINZ, and have extensive knowledge and experience as a mediator or arbitrator? Or do you specialise as a dispute resolver in an area of one of the lists? Apply for a Panel or List!
Do you want to hold yourself out as having the most respected and senior dispute resolution qualification? Apply for the AMINZ Fellowship Programme!
We are happy to talk with you about which membership option might be right for you and what you need to do. Contact us now.