Frequently asked questions | pakirehua
Dispute Resolution FAQ’s
+ I need a dispute resolution professional. Which one is right for me?
It can be confusing finding the right professional for your despute. We have listed the different types and what each does by clicking HERE.
+ How can I get a mediator, family dispute resolution, arbitrator, expert determiner or other dispute resolver?
You have two options to choose from:
- You can find a dispute resolver yourself, through our online panel and lists by clicking HERE.
- You can apply for AMINZ to nominate or "appoint" a dispute resolver for you, by filling out an online application by clicking HERE.
+ What is an “Appointment”?
An Appointment happens when we receive a request for a professional to be appointed to resolve a particular dispute. AMINZ convenes an Appointment Panel who review each individual case and make recommendations based on the type of dispute resolver required, location of the dispute, etc.
+ How long does it take for an Appointment to be made?
We aim to appoint a dispute resolution professional within five working days. The process only commences once the application fee has been paid. Click HERE for more information.
+ I have an issue with my neighbor, boss, etc. Can you provide legal advice?
At AMINZ we do not provide legal advice. We strongly recommend that you seek the advice of a legal professional or contact your local community law centre.
+ Can you force a party to go to mediation?
Mediation is a consensual and voluntary process. Please click HERE for more information about mediation.
+ Can you tell me if I need to employ an ADR Practitioner for my dispute?
AMINZ cannot dispense any legal advice regarding specific disputes. You should seek legal advice, if you need it. However, AMINZ can assist you with finding an ADR Practitioner, who is right for you and your dispute if you have decided that mediation, arbitration or some other form of dispute resolution.
+ How much does dispute resolution cost?
Fees for a dispute resolver vary based on a variety of factors such as reputation, experience, complexity of dispute and so on. Alternative Dispute Resolution processes are usually a very cost effective way of resolving disputes. The costs are often a fraction of court fees. The fees and expenses vary for individual ADR practitioners. These costs should be discussed with the practitioner directly.
+ I want to put a clause in my contract for AMINZ to appoint an ADR Practitioner. How do I go about this?
Please click HERE to view and use the AMINZ model clauses.
Membership FAQ's
+How long does my membership last?
Memberships are renewed annually. The membership year runs from April to March the following year.
+ I wish to become a member, where do I start?
First of all, take a look at the different membership options and decide which is the most appropriate tier for you. If you are just starting out in the dispute resolution field, we highly recommend you join as an Affiliate member to stay up to date with the latest events, trainings and networking opportunities with AMINZ. Check out the benefits of joining our Institute here.
+ I'm interested in training. Can you tell me what kind training you offer?
AMINZ offers a variety of training events throughout the year. Please check our events calendar frequently for updated events. The AMINZ Associate Programme provides a pathway to becoming an Associate member with the institute. The AMINZ Mediation Skills Intensive course forms part of the Associate Programme, but can also be completed as a standalone course. For specific questions, please contact the Membership Engagement Officer.
+ How do I become an Associate member of AMINZ?
Our Associate memberships are open to experienced practitioners with sufficient knowledge of the dispute resolution processes. We recognise a variety of courses, including our own Arbitration Skills Intensive and Mediation Skills Intensive. A mix of both experience and/or training can fulfil the syllabus requirements. To get our advice on what the best option is for you, please contact us.
+ How do I find a member?
Please click HERE for view a list of our members who have agreed to a public listing.
+ How do I lodge a complaint against a member?
For more information about the AMINZ complaints process, please click HERE. To lodge a complaint, please contact the Complaints Officer.
+ How do I lodge a complaint against a member?
For more information about the AMINZ complaints process, please click HERE. To lodge a complaint, please contact the Complaints Officer.
+ What post nominals and member logos should I use?
- Associate Members can use the postnominal AAMINZ
- Fellows of the Institute can use the postnominal FAMINZ, followed by their specialty. E.g. FAMINZ(Arb), FAMINZ(Med) or FAMINZ(Arb/Med).
+ What is the process to becoming a member or AMINZ?
All membership applications must be approved by Council at Council meetings. Associate membership applicants are assigned Assessors and undergo an interview and reference check process. Fellowship applicants complete a intensive programme and are examined in their chosen focus (arbitration or mediation).
Education and Training FAQ’s
+ How do I register for an event?
You can find the event you are looking for through our 'Events' page by clicking HERE.
+ We would like to arrange In-House training. How do we go about this?
We offer tailored training and courses to lots of different industries. Please contact our Education Manager with your requirements and they will be in touch.
+ What payment types do you accept?
We accept Credit card (MasterCard & Visa). For In-house events like training courses we can also send you an invoice which you can pay via bank transfer.
+ Do you offer any free education and training?
We sure do, we have some great content available on our YouTube channel.
+ What qualification will I gain if I undertake the AMINZ Mediation Skills Intensive?
Our Mediation Skills Intensive is a professional skills course. There is no assessment for this course. It is feedback based to assist you in the development of your mediation skills, it does not provide a qualification. You will receive a certificate confirming your attendance at the Intensive.
+ What qualification will I gain if I undertake the AMINZ Associate Programme?
Our Associate Programme is not a qualification because it is not a degree or diploma course, it is part of a professional standards scheme. The course is a pathway to Associate membership with AMINZ. If you complete all four semesters of the course and meet the ‘fit and proper person’ requirement, you will be eligible to be an Associate member of AMINZ.
+ How do I become a Mediator?
There are many different pathways to becoming a mediator. Generally speaking, there are no required qualifications to be a mediator, but we believe that completing training in the field to strengthen your knowledge and understanding of the skills and processes involved is important.
If you are wanting to become an accredited Farm Debt Mediator, or a Family Dispute Resolution practitioner, there is additional mandatory training required.
AMINZ is a membership organisation and our Associate Programme offers a pathway to membership at Associate level with us. If you are a fit and proper person, you can become an affiliate member of AMINZ at any time, but to become an Associate you must meet the requirements set out in the Rules . Associate members of AMINZ are eligible to apply for our panels and lists. Our panels and lists are made up of practitioners who we hold out as being experienced and qualified.
Being a member of a professional body, such as AMINZ, also provides your employer and/or clients peace of mind in knowing that we consider you a fit and proper person, and that they are supported by a robust complaints process should anything go wrong.
+ How do I start my journey in Dispute Resolution?
You can start your journey in Dispute Resolution today, by contacting us. Not only do we provide training and educational opportunities in dispute resolution but becoming a member of our Institute means that you’re part of our community - the leading body in Aotearoa New Zealand for people working in dispute resolution. Being a member of AMINZ provides opportunities in networking and mentorship.