We can contact you.

Have a question? Need some help? Fill in the below form and we will be in touch.

Get in touch with us.

We are available to take your call, schedule a Zoom, or connect in person as social distancing requirements permit. The best way to get hold of us is as follows;

Postal Address: PO Box 11051, Manners Street, Wellington 6142 New Zealand

Phone: +64 4 4999 384

Email: institute@aminz.org.nz

Have a specific query?

Appointment Requests: adminmanager@aminz.org.nz

Event and Education Enquiries: coordinator@aminz.org.nz

Membership Enquiries: membership@aminz.org.nz

Marketing & Corporate Enquiries: executivedirector@aminz.org.nz

Complaints: executivedirector@aminz.org.nz

Business Hours

Monday - Friday 9am to 5pm