Complaints Process
Professional Conduct and Complaints
The Institute only investigates complaints against its members who have agreed to abide by its Rules and Code of Ethics.
Any complaint must fall within the scope of professional misconduct under the Institute's Rules.
Complaints must relate to a member acting in their capacity as an independent neutral dispute resolution professional.
What we can do
Provide you with information about our complaints process
Provide you with information about our members’ obligations under our Code of Ethics
Discipline members if and when they are found to have breached their obligations under the Code of Ethics.
What we can't do
Investigate complaints about non-members
Investigate complaints about members acting in another capacity
Discipline non-members
Change the outcome of a mediation, arbitration or other dispute resolution process
Delve into what happened in a confidential dispute resolution process, unless all parties waive confidentiality
Investigate complaints about other organisations
The process and requirements for complaints
A person may complain to the Institute that a Fellow, Associate, Family Dispute Resolution Associate, Honorary Member or Honorary Life Member of the Institute has engaged in professional misconduct while a member of the Institute:
The complaint must be made in writing and must contain:
i. The complainant's name and contact details; and
ii. The name of the Institute member whose conduct is complained of; and
iii. An outline of the complaint; and
iv. The provision in clause 4 of schedule 7, and if applicable, the provision of the Code of Ethics, that the complainant alleges has been breached by the member.
For the purposes of Schedule 7, professional misconduct by a member includes:
a. Conviction of a criminal offence if that conviction reflects upon the member's fitness to provide professional dispute resolution services;
b. A complaint proven against the member for breach of the Rules or Code of Conduct of another professional or occupational body, if that complaint reflects upon the member’s fitness to provide professional dispute resolution services;
c. The member is adjudicated bankrupt;
d. Any dishonest or grossly negligent conduct by the member when performing professional dispute resolution services; and
e. Any breach of the Code of Ethics of the Institute.
If you wish to make a complaint
Please send the required information to the AMINZ Office at institute@aminz.org.nz
Thinking about filing a complaint and wish to speak with someone first? Get in touch.