The AMINZ Fellowship Programme
Achieve Excellence with the Institute's Highest Distinction
Guide to the AMINZ
Fellowship Programme
Discover the key to advancing your career with the reputed AMINZ Fellowship. Our comprehensive guide provides insights, tips, and essential resources to help you navigate this prestigious program.
If you're an aspiring AMINZ Fellow, our guide offers valuable information to accelerate your journey. Read more or download now to venture on your path to excellence!
The AMINZ's Fellowship Programme examines candidates at an advanced level and assesses their ability to act as a mediator or arbitrator.
Each year, the Fellowship Programme will focus on either Arbitration or Mediation.
The assessment programme that leads to Fellowship comprises of a comprehensive test of academic and practical skills.
The Programme is managed by the Director of Professional Studies Paul Sills, and two Deputy Directors of Professional Studies.
Why undertake Fellowship?
In-depth study
The programme is a dedicated in-depth study of concepts and practice in mediation or arbitration. Fellows can rest assured they have the most advanced knowledge in their chosen field.
Given the rigour of the programme, Fellows gain significant recognition of their skills and expertise. Gaining Fellowship gives the public confidence that Fellows are competent to act as an arbitrator or mediator at the highest level.
International Credentialling
AMINZ Fellows have a reciprocal right of Fellowship with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK), opening the opportunity of international credentialing
Prestigious Post-Nominals
Fellowship unlocks the privilege of using the distinguished post-nominals, FAMINZ(Med) or FAMINZ(Arb). It's a mark of excellence that sets you apart.
Who can undertake Fellowship?
To undertake the Fellowship Programme, the candidate must be a current Associate Member.
Applicants for Fellowship must be able to show for admission as a Fellow that:
(a) they are a fit and proper person; and
(b) they are a person who, by virtue of their training and/or experience and their personal qualities, demonstrates competence at the date of admission to act as an arbitrator or as a mediator (as the case may be).
If you wish to apply for Fellowship by Reciprocity, please use the form here.
Please note an application fee of $218.50 applies.
The Fellowship Interview is your first step towards earning the distinguished title of Fellow. Conducted by two experienced Fellowship admission assessors, this interview assesses your readiness for the programme.
The Advanced Seminar refreshes and updates you and your knowledge (in either mediation or arbitration dependant on what Fellowship Programme is occurring in a given year).
The seminar is led by a senior members of the Institute. It is also a great opportunity for those practitioners wanting to build their knowledge of mediation or arbitration.You do not have to be sitting Fellowship to undertake the seminar, but you can decide to progress to the Fellowship programme after having participated in the seminar. Attendance at the Advanced Seminar qualifies you for 4 points towards AMINZ CPD compliance and provides CPD towards other programmes. CPD certificates will be issued.
The Fellowship Preparation Seminar is compulsory for candidates sitting the Fellowship Programme.
The two-hour session guides you through the preparation for examinations and the scoring criteria. It is also an opportunity to establish study groups and obtain mentors.
The seminar is led by the Director of Professional Studies.
You'll complete two comprehensive examinations, each lasting two hours, evaluating your theoretical and practical knowledge.
Both written tests are conducted on the same day.
Successfully passing these examinations is a prerequisite for the subsequent practical assessment, which is scheduled a few months after the written tests.
The Practical Examinations are designed to evaluate your competency and professionalism as a mediator or arbitrator through real-world scenarios, encompassing role plays and self-reflection exercises.
The names of all candidates who have achieved success in the written examinations and the practical assessment are submitted to Council for approval as new Fellows of the Institute.
How it works: The process
At AMINZ, we hold our candidates to high standards, assuming that they already possess a strong foundation in mediation or arbitration. It's your chance to prove your expertise and elevate your skills to the next level.
Educational Support
AMINZ wants to help you through the Fellowship Programme. We will guide and assist you through the journey.
On request, AMINZ will endeavour to supply candidates with a mentor for Fellowship. Candidates often form study groups to assist in the preparation for Fellowship testing and this is recommended.
Reconsideration and Resits
If you do not pass any section of the Written Examination or Practical Examinations, according to the AMINZ By-Laws, you have the option to request consideration from the AMINZ Council.
If you've previously attempted Fellowship and didn't pass a component of the examinations within the last three years, you are eligible to re-sit only the failed component. Upon successfully passing that component, you can proceed to apply for acceptance as a Fellow of the Institute by the AMINZ Council.

How to apply?
Either fill in the online form at the bottom of this page or download the Guide to the AMINZ Fellowship Programme return the application form to membership@aminz.org.nz.
After you submit your application for Fellowship, we will arrange for two admissions assessors to interview you and assess your readiness for the programme. You will be invited to undertake the Fellowship programme if you pass the interview stage.
What does it cost?
The pathway to Fellowship involves several key steps, each with associated costs:
Application Fee: $200
Preparation Seminar: $150
Two Written Papers: $575 each
Practical Exam: $1,600
Total cost: $3100 including GST
Candidates are required to attend the Advanced Seminar, which costs between $540 and $600. However, if you have participated in an Arbitration Skills Intensive or Mediation Skills Intensive within two years of your upcoming exam, you are exempt from attending the Advanced Seminar. Attending the Advanced Seminar is compulsory unless the exemption criteria are met, and it is designed to ensure you are fully prepared for the Fellowship examinations. Pricing is inclusive of GST.
When are the dates?
Dates for the 2025 Mediation Fellowship are below.
If you require more information about Fellowship, or would like to express interest in the programme, please contact us at membership@aminz.org.nz.
Applications are open now!
2025 Key Components & Dates
Advanced Seminar
Thursday 8 May | Hybrid
Led by senior Institute members, this event rejuvenates and enriches your knowledge, making it a crucial step in your path to success.
It is compulsory to attend the Advanced Seminar. However, candidates who have attended an Arbitration Skills Intensive or a Mediation Skills Intensive within two years of their upcoming examinations are exempt from this requirement.
Preparation Seminar
Thursday 22 May | Online | 7 pm
We'll provide you with the essential tools, insights, and guidance to prepare you for this prestigious journey. The two-hour session guides you through the preparation for examinations and the scoring criteria. It is also an opportunity to establish study groups and obtain mentors.
This is compulsory for Fellowship Candidates.
Price: $150
Written Examinations
Tuesday 15 July | Online
You'll complete two comprehensive examinations, each lasting two hours, with both written tests conducted on the same day.
Successfully passing these examinations is a prerequisite for the subsequent practical assessment, which is scheduled at least 12 weeks after completion of the written examinations.
Price: $575 per paper
Total: $1150 -
Practical Examinations
Tuesday 14 October | In person
The Fellowship Practical Examinations, are a rigorous assessment of your competence and professionalism as an arbitrator.
Designed to evaluate your competency and professionalism as a mediator or arbitrator through real-world scenarios, encompassing role plays and self-reflection exercises.
Price: $1600
Examination Regulations and Guidelines
The AMINZ By-Laws establish the regulations and guidelines that govern our Fellowship Programme.
They are the foundation of our commitment to excellence, transparency, and accountability.
Relevant By-Laws:
6. Classification of Membership
6.E Fellow Members
11. Examinations
Examinations for Fellowship 11.6 -11.20
Relevant Schedules
Schedule 1 (A) - Education Syllabus for Fellowship
Schedule 2 - Examination Regulations Fellowship
Schedule 3 - Waiver Guidelines
Schedule 5 - Code of Ethics
Ready to Apply?
Fellowship by Examination
Fellowship by Reciprocity
After you submit your application for Fellowship, we will arrange for two Fellowship admission assessors to interview you and assess your readiness for the programme. Should you pass the interview stage, you will be invited to undertake the Fellowship programme.
The application fee for the Fellowship Programme is $200.
Please note that you must be an Associate member of AMINZ to be eligible to register for the Fellowship programme and examinations.
Please contact us at membership@aminz.org.nz for any further queries