Speaker Session:
A Session of Two Halves: Child Inclusion for all children: the benefits of child-focused psychoeducation
About Tarryn Skilling
BA | MSWP (Hons) | Registered SW
Tarryn Skilling is a Child Inclusion Specialist at The Family Dispute Resolution Centre. As a registered Social Worker, Tarryn has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Communications, and a Masters of Social Work Professional. Experienced in Child & Youth Mental Health, Child & Family Services, Child Protection and Family Court proceedings, Tarryn represented Oranga Tamariki on the Family Violence Information Sharing Panel and was a highly respected Section 132 report writer in Family Court proceedings. As a skilled child interviewer, Tarryn is passionate about empowering children and young people, and supporting families throughout the Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) process.
Child Inclusion for all children: the benefits of child-focused psychoeducation
Join Tarryn Skilling in this interactive session that demonstrates the role and benefits of utilising Child Inclusion Specialists to provide psychoeducation to parties. This pathway not only helps to overcome barriers in creating a child-inclusive process, especially for children under 5, but can also enhance the efficacy of parenting plans and facilitate better child-focused outcomes for children and families in FDR.