About Rosemarie Brown
Mediator; Lawyer; Chartered Accountant (FAMINZ; PRI; Grad Dip Bus. (Dispute Resolution); BMS; LLB)
Rosemarie Brown currently lives in Auckland and works nationwide with her dispute resolution business. She is also a Chartered Accountant. Rosemarie has been working as a mediator for 18 years, mainly in Family: all things FDR (mediator, voice of child and preparation for mediation), relationship property, estates, wills and trusts; commercial, farm debt, student and business disputes. She started her mediation career in Melbourne and Vic, conducting family, workplace and commercial mediations for 6 years until 2012 when she relocated to Auckland. Until 2005 Rosemarie lived and worked in the Waikato and is often found there still (for the past 3 years as a family lawyer).
Rosemarie loves to support others to be their best ‘selves’, transform perspectives, empower those that need encouragement, and inject a bit of fun into each day.
PFM and IMM – What are they for? Why bother?
Preparation for Mediation (PFM) and Individual Mediation Meeting (IMM) – What are they for? Why bother?
Join Simon Dadley-Moore and Rosemarie Brown for a fun, practical and interactive exploration of why we do what we do prior to a joint mediation meeting.
Bring your wisdom and gather with your colleagues to; increase understanding, reflect, challenge and be challenged. Come along and strengthen your own unique practice.
Please bring your phone or device with you to the session.
Speaker Session:
PFM and IMM – What are they for? Why bother?