Speaker Session:

Tikanga restoring the balance: The power of authentic participation sincerity and apology

About Helen Bowen

Barrister and Restorative Justice Consultant

Helen Bowen is a criminal barrister, youth advocate and AODTC lawyer. 

In 2000  (with Jim Boyack) she was contracted by the Department for Courts to provide training for 80 community restorative justice facilitators in four courts around New Zealand. 

Since then she has provided RJ training services nationally and internationally including working with the Thames Valley Police in London and community groups in Northern Ireland. 

She continues to provide professional development  and supervision with Auckland RJ provider groups and specialises in the area of Health and Safety RJ conferences in Department of Labour prosecutions where there has been an accident or fatality in the workplace. 

Helen has completed LEADR mediation training and now works as a  defence lawyer in the drug court.  

Tikanga restoring the balance: The power of authentic participation sincerity and apology

Joining us virtually, Helen Bowen and Lance Ryan will discuss answers and reveal insights into the following:

  • All participants are injured

  • How might we get hurt people to attend, listen deeply and participate wholeheartedly

  • What is RJ (Restorative Justice) and what are the procedural safeguards?

  • Key elements and strengths

  • The role of separate preliminary meetings for authentic deep listening, sincerity & apology –

  • Pre conference: what about when people don’t really want to attend …. The best person to be listening to all of what you want to say directly to the other party is in this process. A forum where there are things that you may need to hear and sayAll participants are injured

  • How might we get hurt people to attend, listen deeply and participate wholeheartedly

  • What is RJ (Restorative Justice) and what are the procedural safeguards?

  • Key elements and strengths

  • The role of separate preliminary meetings for authentic deep listening, sincerity & apology –

  • Pre conference: what about when people don’t really want to attend …. The best person to be listening to all of what you want to say directly to the other party is in this process. A forum where there are things that you may need to hear and say