COVID-19 Policy for Events
AMINZ has an obligation to maintain the health and safety of its staff, speakers, volunteers, and guests at face-to-face events.
We ask that all attendees at AMINZ face-to-face events to comply with the requirements of the venue under the relevant alert levels. This may include scanning your My Vaccine Pass, wearing approved face covering, and social distancing requirements.
By registering to attend this event, you understand that AMINZ reserves the right to alter the format of the event if deemed to be the safest option under the evolving circumstances.
In the event AMINZ chooses to present a face-to-face event online, this does not constitute a cause for refund unless otherwise stated.
If you are displaying symptoms of Covid-19 or have been identified as a close contact for a Covid-19 case, please contact us to discuss your options.
To reflect the evolving situation, this policy is subject to change. Therefore, please note that the policy in play at the time of making an event booking may have been updated by the time your booked event comes around. AMINZ will be in contact with any affected parties if this is the case.
If you have any questions about this policy, please get in touch with us on